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Marching Band

Self Portrait


Commissioned by the Rosemead High School Panther Sound for their 2022 Fall season, and placing 6th in division 2A in the California State Band Championship, the show follows the evolution of Pablo Picasso's and his ever changing self portraits.

Score available upon request

Everything but the Rain


Commissioned by the Rosemead High School Panther Sound for their 2023 Fall season, and placing 13th in division 3A in the California State Band Championship. The shows concept follows the ever changing emotions that are experienced during rain.

The ballad of this show contains use of "Umbrella" by Rihanna and requires the rights to perform. This can be done through Tressona.

Score available upon request



Breakdown is a show that follows the hardships of life and how going through these trials and tribulations ultimately allow us to grow and develop as individuals.

Commissioned by the Rosemead High School Panther Sound for their 2019 spring season, where they placed 3rd in the division Scholastic Winds A with the West Coast Winds Association.

Can be adapted for Marching Band

Score available upon request

Darkest Before the Dawn


Commissioned by the El Monte High School Marching Lions for their 2023 Fall season. The show follows the progression of moving forward and persevering through the toughest of times moving away from the darkness and in towards the light.

Score available upon request

Mvt 1
00:00 / 02:28
Darkest Defore the Dawn_Ballad_Recording
00:00 / 01:40
Mvt 3
00:00 / 02:11
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